Friday, September 19, 2008


We have been created for more. Whether you are a christian or not, we can all agree that the world is messed up and so are we. Anyone who can't agree with this is on the same level as a purple hippo with its head in the sand. For a while this world was in harmony with its purpose for creation, but ever since the fall everything has changed and this earth was given over to sin and brokenness. Our souls were created to be in complete union with its creator, but when we sinned, that was no longer possible. So we have this thing inside of us all, whether christian or not, that longs for more.

For example, i am 23, so that means i have seen over 70,000 sunsets. The best one i have ever seen was when i was in italy, it was incredibly beautiful. (see left) However, even after that night i have not stopped looking west at sunset. What i mean is this. If this world was all there was, then when i saw this sunset i should have been completely satisfied and never needing to look again, yet something inside me continues to long for more. I have this thing inside me that pushes me to continue to move toward and search for beauty. And no matter how beautiful something is, i long for more, i can't get enough. So what i am saying is that i was created for more than what i can experience here on earth.

Another example is us. I'm going to pretty much assume that we all have been attracted to one another at some point. There is nothing like being in love. But why the heck are we attracted to each other??? We search for someone who will accept us and love us for who we are, a best friend whose partnership is built on a promise of forever. And i think that we do this because marriage is the closest we can come to the relationship God intended to have with us. It's like the sunset example. times a lot. There we keep looking for an outward beauty, but in the pursuit of a spouse it goes so much deeper. We all wish for a deeply personal relationship, like the one God intended to have with us. I think we want someone to love us for who we are, good and bad, even wierd. Maybe we even crave the thought that someone would love us not for what we can do for them but because they can't stand the thought of not being with us. So much so that they would do anything to bring us to them. This is the stuff that makes great movies and novels, maybe even a good gosspel??? So i guess the way i look at it is, the same things we look for in someone to spend the rest of our life with is the same things that moves me toward Jesus. Again whether christian or not, as a fellow human we are all searching for it. I think God made us this way to point us toward him, remind us that we are created for more. And whether it's a sunset or your spouse, its not for us, but for his glory, to remind us that we are created for more, which can only be found in Him and come from Him.